Is It Narcolepsy?
You Need to Know
If you or your child has symptoms consistent with narcolepsy, knowing what’s really going on is important. Getting an accurate diagnosis can be a relief. However, narcolepsy is often missed and misdiagnosed by physicians, and it can take some people more than a decade to get an accurate diagnosis. That’s why getting an appropriate assessment is extremely important.

"To get a diagnosis was a relief after struggling so
long to find one."Watch Kiah and his mom discuss how getting a diagnosis was both a relief and a challenge.
long to find one."Watch Kiah and his mom discuss how getting a diagnosis was both a relief and a challenge.
"It was like I was affirmed. OK, there’s a name for it, and somebody recognizes what it is."See the feelings of relief that come when patients receive an accurate diagnosis of narcolepsy.