Narcolepsy Conversation Starter
A sleep specialist is your best source of information about narcolepsy and its symptoms. When you’re talking to the sleep specialist, whether for yourself or your child, it’s important to make sure that you give the physician all the information he or she needs, and that you get all the information you need.

To have a more informed conversation, take this Narcolepsy Conversation Starter with you to the sleep specialist visit.
The Narcolepsy Conversation Starter contains some important facts about narcolepsy as well as brief descriptions of the major symptoms that you can use in a conversation about what you or your child is experiencing. It also has a list of questions that you might want to ask the sleep specialist to help you better understand narcolepsy and how it’s diagnosed.
Download the Narcolepsy Conversation Starter to help have an informed conversation
There’s a conversation starter for adults and one for children and adolescents.