Narcolepsy Resources
These free educational resources are provided to help you learn more about narcolepsy and its symptoms, and to help you discuss your symptoms with a sleep specialist. These materials are intended for US residents 18 years of age or older and are not intended to replace a conversation with a sleep specialist. A sleep specialist can evaluate your symptoms and make a diagnosis.

Understanding Narcolepsy — Patient Counseling Guide
This brochure is provided as a resource to help you understand and describe your symptoms, and to help you discuss your symptoms with a sleep specialist.
Narcolepsy and Cardiovascular Risks
This guide can help support discussions with your doctor about considering your long-term heart health when managing your narcolepsy symptoms.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale
This short questionnaire assesses the severity of daytime sleepiness by rating how likely you are to fall asleep in 8 common situations.
Understanding Pediatric Narcolepsy — Caregiver Counseling Guide
This brochure is provided as a resource to help you understand and describe your child’s symptoms, and to help you discuss those symptoms with a sleep specialist.
Epworth Sleepiness Scale for Children and Adolescents
This short questionnaire assesses the severity of daytime sleepiness by rating how likely your child is to fall asleep in 8 common situations.
download/printNarcolepsy Website Links
The third-party resources cited below are for the reader's information only. Jazz Pharmaceuticals does not endorse and is not responsible for the content included in these resources.
- American Academy of Sleep Medicine
- 2510 North Frontage Road
- Darien, IL 60561
- Phone: (630) 737-9700
- Fax: (630) 737-9790
- Narcolepsy Network
- PO Box 2178
- Lynnwood, WA 98036
- Phone: (401) 667-2523 or
Toll-free: (888) 292-6522 - Fax: (401) 633-6567
- Email:
- National Sleep Foundation
- 1010 North Glebe Road, Suite 310
- Arlington, VA 22201
- Phone: (703) 243-1697
- Email:
- NORD (National Organization for Rare Disorders)
- 55 Kenosia Avenue
- PO Box 1968
- Danbury, CT 06813-1968
- Phone: (800) 999-6673
- Wake Up Narcolepsy Inc.
- PO Box 60293
- Worcester, MA 01606
- Phone: (978) 751-DOZE (3693)
- Email:
- Project Sleep
- P.O. Box 70206
- Los Angeles, CA 90070
- Phone: (323) 577-8923
- Email: